This Human Resources Policy Manual aims to give employees of Rapid Action For Human Advancement tradition(RAHAT) a clear communication of its policies and procedures concerning its Administrative systems and Human Resources guidelines. This manual was formulated to cover and shall be implemented to employees at all levels regardless of rank, level and status of employment, except for some policies with specifically stated coverage. Policies are needed to set standard guidelines for all employees to have a uniform understanding and harmony in the workplace. The organization believes that fair and just policies and implementation thereof are due to all employees regardless of rank, level and status of employment. As such, all employees and officers are called upon to practice fairness in all their official dealings and in carrying out their functions based on these policies and procedures.
If there be non-implementation or neglect on its appropriate and proper implementation, employees have the right to bring such breach to the Management of RAHAT and Governing Body if required. Policies can be changed or modified for some reasons but should be disseminated to all employees at least 15 days prior to implementation. In some cases, policies can be susceptible of different interpretations by employees. However, the Human Resources Head and the Governing Body shall have the responsibility, to guide and give appropriate interpretation to all those policies, which have ambiguous meaning and they have the responsibility to modify such policies, to make it clear and understandable to all employees. The Management and its employees together have a shared responsibility in the attainment of the goals and objectives of the organization and the proper implementation of this policy.
Requisition for staff:
On receipt of the above requisition, the HR unit will start the actual recruitment process, Or may ask for more information from the unit, if required. After having satisfied with the requirement, the HR unit will put an approval note on the face of the requisition as to the next steps to be followed.
In some cases of recruitment for key positions of a new project, if the institute feels that the position should preferably be filled up from among the RAHAT experienced personnel for the greater interest of the project, the institute may open the position to its existing employees through internal notice followed by the normal interview process. Criteria for selection will be decided on case to case basis.
A public notice will be served through any or all of the following methods.
From among the applications received a list of candidates to be prepared for taking part in the recruitment process as per the published criteria through the followings:
The HR unit will constitute a recruitment board to conduct the interview. The board members include
The recruitment process may include all or any of following method.
After completion the recruitment process.
At least 10 days time to be allowed between issue of call letter and interview date.
Based on the recommendation report, the HR unit will issue the offer letter for appointment. Upon acceptance of the said offer letter, the HR unit will proceed to issue the appointment letter followed by agreement and job description wherever necessary.
The selected candidate will join the service on the agreed day and will officially inform her/his joining by:
For all categories of staff, yearly review in general and earlier review of performance if necessary should be conducted. Based on this review report, the change in salary and designation will be made. However change of designation will be applicable at the time of fresh contract only. Annexure: Performance review form.
The salary payment is made on the 28th / last day of every month or if it is a holiday on the previous day. The date of payment may change due to unavoidable circumstances but attempt is made to strictly adhere to the 28th day of the month. Salary payment is made through crossed a/c payee cheque or cash. If anyone is unable to collect his/her salary on the payment date, then it might be collected on a mutually convenient date. Also any one may claim salary, on his/ her inability to collect the same, through a properly executed authorization letter.
Induction training is a process by which a new employee is situated into a new milieu to establish a relation with the goal, objectives, mission, vision, practices, policies and strategies of the organization. It is a strategic means to welcome a new entrant and in the process to make him /her feel acknowledged as an honoured member of staff. Induction training is mandatory on joining as per the induction schedule. Date of induction will be fixed in consultation with the Unit In charge. In case any staff member fails to attend the scheduled induction, s/he must undergo the same while next induction takes place.
RAHAT will undertake four Induction Trainings in one financial year with the newly recruited staff (Contractual and Assignment). The ideal timing would be in the month of January, April, July and October, preferably in the second week.
Staff members of RAHATworking either with the thematic units or the geographic units have a responsibility to demonstrate leadership qualities for both their own growth and for the effective functioning of the units. The organization expects them to help in nurturing talent in their units and to build teams to work towards the organization mission. This training aims at understanding self and improve motivation, leadership quality, conflict resolution and team building. RAHAT will undertake OD training as and when necessary
In Service Training
Besides this as a part of skill development the unit will organize In service Training for the unit staff at least once in a year.
Leave cannot be claimed as a matter of right and management has absolute discretion in this matter. Currently the following types of leave are available:
Casual Leave – This should not exceed more than two days in a row. At present that no. of casual leave in a year is 12 for all categories of staff. Non-availed casual leave of one year cannot be carried forward to the following year/s. Also, casual leave cannot be considered for encashment.
Sick Leave – Application for sick leave should be submitted on the date of resumption of duty along with medical certificate. The no. allowed in a year is 7 for all categories of staff. This is also not encashable.
Earned Leave – Prior approval is absolutely essential in case of earned leave. The no. allowed in a year for all categories of staff is 15.
In case of regular employees, non-availed earned leave in a year can be accumulated up to 240 days and be carried forward to the following years and is considered for encashment at the end of service period.
In case of contract employees, non-availed earned leave in a year can be accumulated and be carried forward to the following year/s and is considered for encashment at the end of contract period.
Assignment up to 3 months is not eligible for any leave, more than 3 months are eligible for one leave per month only.
Compensatory Leave/ Weekly Off
Concerned unit will consult Unit In Charge unit for working on holidays and institute holidays.
Special Leave
To meet emergency requirements, staff members are allowed to take office loan. All such loan requests specifying the reason for taking such loan has to be made through written application to the administrative head / unit head in case of unit. Such loan applications can be made after at least one month’s service has been put in. The loan is permissible to an extent of one month’s basic + D.A. and adjustable over a maximum equated monthly 10 installments. In case of contract staff, if the remaining period of contract of the applicant is less than 10 months, then the number of installments will be accordingly reduced in number.
Increment Of Salary
This is generally as per terms of contract of each employee and normally increment is considered after the completion of each year/contract. In case of contract employee, fresh contract is made with/without increment. In case of regular employee, increment / no increment is considered after the end of each completed year of service. Increments are considered based on the recommendations of the concerned departmental heads, evaluation of performance, contribution to the organization and other factors like regularity, timely reporting and leaving place of duty absenteeism etc. These are to be generally followed as per findings of the Performance Evaluation Report.
Promotion Policy
For employees at the levels of Project Worker, Project Assistant and Sr. Project Assistant, the criterion for promotion would be competence and experience. For promotions at the levels of Project Associate and Sr. Project Associate the criterion would be knowledge, competence and experience. For consideration of promotion to the post of Project Officer and above, educational qualification will remain as an additional requirement in general. However, special considerations of promotion from the post of Senior Project Associate to the post of Project Officer may be made on a case-to-case basis at the discretion of the Director.
Employees may be called upon to do consultancy for which the organization gets consultancy income. Out of such income, employees will be allowed a certain portion in recognition of their efforts. This sharing of consultancy with employees will not be applicable if such consultancy service is provided to any unit / sister organization. Consultancy to be done with prior permission from the authority. The entitlements of the employees will be as follows:
Up to Senior Project Associate – 40% or Rs 300/- per day which ever is higher.
Project Officer and above -- 40% or Rs 500/- per day which ever is higher.
For the benefit of the organization, staff may be required to be transferred OR shifted from one unit to other.
All employees, while leaving station from their respective place of work for official trips, are supposed to furnish information as per an appropriate format (FORM: IOT) with due approval of the respective Divisional / Departmental / unit heads. Annexure: Form no...
A copy of the format, complete in all respects and duly approved, must reach the Deputy Director- Admin before the trip / journey is undertaken.
While on tours, the employees are entitled to boarding, lodging and incidental expenses. These are as per norms fixed by the Finance Committee and changes in the limits / conditions are to be duly notified.
For all cases noted below, Actual bills are to be furnished for accommodation while no bills are required for food.
At present the limits/conditions are:
For stay at out station places for a period of at least 12 hours, full days’ rate is applicable. Otherwise for stay of less than 12 hours, 50% of the usual rate is allowed. (DAY IS CONSIDERED FOR A PERIOD OF 24 HOURS FROM 12 TO 12).
Anyone boarding a train at/after 10 pm from the home station (that is the station of his reporting place) will not be eligible for any allowance for food on train till 12 night for that day.
For consideration of allowance for food, simultaneous application of daily allowances at places visited and allowance during boarding on train for the same period will not be applicable.
Predominance of stay at station or train will determine applicability of either of the above allowances.
No other incidental expenses are allowed.
The above rates are applicable universally and are to be considered as benchmark rates.
Re imbursement of traveling expenses.
Anyone going for any official duty will be reimbursed the traveling expenses. Similarly, anyone traveling from one office/site to another will also be reimbursed the traveling expenses. Generally, no categories of employees are allowed traveling allowances or reimbursements for going to their usual place of duty from residence or from their usual place of duty back to residence.
However, anyone going from residence to another office which is not his/her place of duty will be allowed reasonable reimbursement if this place of duty is distant from his/her normal office/place of duty. Similar reimbursement will be allowed on return journey to residence.
There may be occasions where projects may be conducted in areas where the above rates for TA/DA may not be sufficient. In that case, a special office order would be required for allowing the higher rate to be allowed as per approved budgets in the projects.
There are special occasions where service of a very specialized / technical person would be required for the interest of the project. S/he may be required for specific project/s with special designation and emoluments. The entire terms & conditions and nature of service would be unique in nature and would be different from the other general categories of employees. In all such cases such personnel will be given a special designation and will be allowed such special pay.
Generally all employees are categorized as per institute designations and theirannual cost to organization is fixed as per norms. There may be occasions where they may be seconded in a project with higher pay. In all such cases the concerned employee would become entitled to the higher pay provided in the project budget. The additional pay, over and above the usual entitlements of the employee will be given as 'Special Allowance'. On the termination of the project the project employee is reverted back to his/her former position, and would become entitled to his/her normal pay only unless otherwise decided.
It is essential that all capital / fixed assets of the organization are adequately insured against perils like fire and burglary at w.d.v. Cash held by the unit in safe/vault and cash in transit during inward and outward remittances are also to be insured. Vehicles are to be insured against accidents/thefts.
Requisite premium pertaining to Mediclaim policy of regular and contractual employees and their kith & kin upto a ceiling of total policy amount of Rs 50,000/- will be reimbursed against production of photocopy of relevant receipt. Claim for this reimbursement should be made within the policy period concerned. It is to be ensured that only one such reimbursement is made for the concerned employeefor each financial year.
Smoking/Tobacco Chewing is prohibited in the institute’s campus as well as the unit offices.
The RAHAT Governing Body, as per its resolution taken on 25th July 2005, adoptedthe Child Protection Policy. It was further decided that a three member committeewill closely monitor the proper application of the said CPP in RAHATas a whole. It was also decided that the same committee will also address the following issues inrespect of RAHAT:
Sexual harassment at work place.In addition new policies will be enforced from time to time.
Misconduct :
The term " misconduct" shall denote any offence or act of commission or omission on the part of an employee which falls within the general notion of the work "misconduct" as generally understood, and shall be deemed also to cannot offences of acts of commission or omission under or against these personnel policies and service rules or any other regulations and/or practices of the organization.
Without prejudice to the foregoing and without being extensive, the miner and major acts or misconducts are listed below:
Minor misconduct
Penalty for minor misconduct
Note: Not with standing what is stated here fore, any act of commission or omission will be deemed to be a major misconduct if the consequences of such an act are of a serious nature.
Major misconduct
Penalties for major misconduct
No order of punishment shall be made without the employee being given on opportunity to explain to the satisfaction of the management the circumstances alleged against him through an oral or recorded inquiry.
In the case off minor misconduct, if an order of suspension is rescinded, the employee shall be deemed to be on duty during the period of suspension is rescinded, the employee shall be deemed to be on duty during the period of suspension and will be entitled to the same remuneration as he would have received if he had not been suspended.
There shall be a recorded inquiry, in the case of a major misconduct, he employee shall be issued a charge sheet (or show cause notice), clearly setting forth the charge alleged against him. The appointing authority shall sign charge sheet.
If the concerned employee does not admit the charges or if his explanation is not satisfactory, the management may arrange to hold a recorded inquiry in accordance with the principles of natural justice.
The management may appoint an inquiry officer either from among the staff or from outside to conduct the inquiry.
The employee concerned shall present himself at the time and place set for the enquiry. If the employee concerned fails to appear at the inquiry for reasons, which the inquiry officer consider unsatisfactory, the inquiry shall be preceded with ex-part in his absence.
The employee subjected to inquiry shall be permitted to be assisted by a co-employee, no outsider shall be permitted to assist him in the enquiry. The employee or his representative shall be permitted to cross examine any witnesses deposing in support of the charges, and he shall also be permitted to produce witnesses and documents in his/her defense.
The statements of all the witnesses on either side or the employee's pleas made at the inquiry shall be recorded.
The inquiry officer shall record his findings as to whether all or any of the charges leveled against the employee are established.
If charges are proved in the inquiry, the management shall take into account the gravity of the misconduct, the previous record of the employee and any other extenuating or aggravating circumstances that may exist. The nature of punishment shall be at the discretion of the management.
The order passed by the management shall be communication in writing to the employee concerned.
If an employee is suspended pending investigation inquiry trial or during the tendency of any legal proceedings against him, he shall be paid a subsistence allowance to be decided by the management, which cannot be less than the 50% of his/her wages. If, however, the suspensions awarded as a punishment for misconduct as established by an enquiry, the suspension shall be without pay and allowances.
If any member of staff has a complaint or grievances arising out of employment may submit it to his immediate superior who will deal with it as expeditiously as possible. He will either intimate his/her decision to the employee concerned or if the case so warrants refer the case to the Secretary.If the employee is not satisfied with the decision of or the action taken by the immediate superior, he may submit the matter in writing to the Secretarywho shall examine the matter expeditiously and intimate his decision to the employee or staff member or refer the matter to the Managing Committee of RAHAT, if the case so warrants. If the employee/staff member is not satisfied with the decision of the Secretary, he may advance the grievance to the President of RAHAT, who will examine it and put it up before theManaging Committee’s meeting for a decision. This decision shall be final provided however any grievance relating to the termination of services may be appealed to the President of the Association through the Secretary.
All employees and staff are subjects to and are bound by the rules and regulation and procedures relating to conditions of appointments, emoluments, staff welfare (contribution) fund, retirement, leave etc. as they are in force as the time of their appointment and as they may be modified from time to time thereafter. When changes are made in these personnel policies, rules and regulations by the management, they shall apply immediately to all staff superseding the rules and regulations in force at the time of the appointment.
The Secretaryor in his/her absence, the Programme Coordinator or any senior level programme staff shall be responsible for the faithful observance of these service rules and will carryout the activities of RAHAT.
The Managing Committee may at its discretion waive conditions in very special circumstances on application, by an employee; such waiver will under no circumstances become precedent.
Gratuity is payable to an employee
NOTE: Any change or modification in the policy is subject to the decision of the Managing Committee of RAHAT.
Responsible for overseeing all organization’s activities and ensuring its mission and values as wellas the overall management and development of RAHAT programs/projects. In addition, the position isexpected to develop and maintain linkages with international and local donors, funding agenciesand affiliate organizations.
Overseas all units/departments/projects/programs in RAHAT head office. Directly supervises all Asst. Directors, team leaders, and other staff concerned.
Registers Maintained